To further this, I've prepared this short document that describes how
to set up your BIND 8.1.x server in a chroot() environment under
OpenBSD 2.3 , which is what I run my DNS/SMTP/WWW servers on. This document
is largely inspired by my friend Adam
Shostack and his paper
on the identical subject matter (which covers Solaris). Please read his
paper (and check out his entire page which contains good reading) after
you've been here. As a side note, OpenBSD version 2.4 and above now run
with BIND in a chroot() jail by default (this document was originally
written before that release), but these instructions will
prove equally useful to other BSD variants that don't have this useful
and prudent feature on by default.
NOTE: This is a living document and I expect changes
and small errors to be discovered over time. My DNS server is very
small and handles a limited number of zones and traffic. It is quite possible
that the information I supply here does not work for larger sites. If this
is your case please write me and tell me what is broken so I can change
it here! Your input will be given full credit and will help everyone
who wishes to contain the beast we call BIND.
Install the software per the directions included with the package.
Change the line:
'CDEBUG= -O2 -g'
'CDEBUG= -O2 -static'
Go to the top of the BIND source directory and do a "make clean" followed by a "make". Go onto the next step where you will copy the files to the chroot() directory.
For the uninitiated, a statically linked program is one that does not
perform dynamic loading of libraries. For a chroot() environment it means
that the executable will be "self-contained" and will not cause an error
if you are missing a library file. While it is not necessary to have statically
linked files in the chroot() environment, it often makes setup easier.
I prefer to have all network daemons statically linked for this reason.
Under this directory you will need to create the following directory structure:
Under each directory you will need to copy the following files and/or perform the following commands:
copy statically linked named binary
from the BIND src/bin/named directory
copy named.conf from /etc
copy localtime from /etc (so named logs correct
timezone in syslog)
copy all zone databases and files from /etc/namedb
mknod null c 2 2; chmod 666 null (For
other BSD variants, look at /dev/MAKEDEV to get the mknod command)
copy statically
linked named-xfer binary from the BIND src/bin/named-xfer directory
Additionally, Bernhard Weisshuhn <>, writes that
if you have custom logging directories specified that you need to be sure
to make these as well (/var/log). Although named won't crash, it will complain.
You should now go to the /chroot/named/var/run directory and make it writable by named so the file can be written to upon startup. This is used by the ndc command to control named's operation.
At this point you may want to go into your chroot named area and chown -R named.named on the /etc/namedb directory. This allows named to dump cache and statistical information if you send it the proper signal (kill -INT <PID>) . This change should not significantly effect the security of your chroot() setup. Leaving it owned as root won't allow named to write out this information (remember named now runs under a new UID and no longer root), but still allows named to function. A second option is to change the permissions to allow writing to this directory, but leaving it owned by root. This could also work but you need to be careful with doing so to ensure normal users can't modify your named records!
run named under (i.e. "nobody"). It is always a bad idea to use
an existing UID/GID under a chroot environment as it can impact the protection
offered by the service. Make a separate UID/GID for every daemon
you run under chroot() as a matter of practice.
echo 'starting named'; named $named_flags
To the location of your statically linked binary under the chroot directory:
echo 'starting named'; /chroot/named/named $named_flags
You now need to enable a syslog socket in your chroot jail so named can write messages to your logs. To do this edit /etc/rc.conf and change the syslogd flags:
syslogd_flags="-a /chroot/named/dev/log" (FreeBSD uses '-l' instead of '-a')
You will also need to change the startup flags for BIND. Version 8.x has a feature where you can change the user and group ID after binding. This is where you specify your UID/GID you assigned to BIND above.
named_flags="-u named -g named -t /chroot/named"
2) BIND 8.1.x ships with a script called "ndc" which is used to control
named operations. You will need to edit this file and change the location
of the variable PIDFILE from /var/run/ to /chroot/named/var/run/
BIND 8.2.x and above now makes this a binary and this change won't be
necessary any longer.
syslogd -a /chroot/named/dev/log (FreeBSD uses '-l' instead of '-a')
Go into this directory and ls -al. You should see (the date is insignificant):
srw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 0 Jan 01 12:00 log
The "s" bit is set to indicate that the file is a socket. This is how named will write to syslog from within the chroot() jail.
Now type:
/chroot/named/named -u named -g named -t /chroot/named
If all goes well named will start and your logs will indicate that named is "Ready to answer queries."
Perform other DNS tests as appropriate to ensure operation, then reboot
your system and verify the setup. BIND should have started and reported
it chroot()ed to to directory and changed UID/GID. You can use a program
such as lsof
to list out the owner of all network sockets on the host. The owner should
be your named UID/GID.
When everything is working you should either rename /etc/namedb
to something like /etc/namedb.orig and chmod 000 /usr/sbin/named
to ensure that the old version doesn't get run by mistake. Reboot your
system and assuming everything is correct your named will now be chroot()ed.
Steinar Haug <> - Comments concerning blocking of TCP to port 53.
Bernhard Weisshuhn <> - Comments pertaining to Linux install (typos, adding /etc/group entry).
Marc Heuse <> - Comments pertaining to logging and renaming of old binaries and directories.
Jan Gruber <> - Comments pertaining to permissions on /chroot/named/var/run and changes to the ndc control script.
Modred <> - Corrections for FreeBSD and small typo on making /dev/log
Robert J. Brown <> - Corrections in steps five and six
where I typed /chroot/named instead of /chroot/named/named to start the binary.
Advised about changes to ndc under BIND 8.2.
Adam Shostack's Home Page - Good reading on various items.
Internet Software Consortium - Suppliers of BIND, INN, and other software.